Capitalism Currency


New Economic & Financial Evolution

Beyond Money Matters: Fair, Equal, Respect, Language, Culture

The World Economy Needs A Private Currency Revolution

The monetary systems being used today are operating in an outdated way. Although there have been new technologies created, such as digital ledgers like blockchain, nothing has changed in the way financial systems issue money. Countries are still running their financial systems on a model that is like that of North Korea, a command economy where top-level agreements are required and government decides how new money is created and where it is issued. This usually results in a top-down approach to issuing currency where large companies and organization are selected to receive wealth by influence or corruption, or socialist style handouts to various groups. Either way results in reducing collective wealth by inflation and is perceived as unfair.


We believe that a new way of operation should be achieved by introducing concepts of capitalism into financial systems through privately issued currencies. This the capitalist currency system.


Take for example the economy of South Korea, where local private currencies are actively used to foster development in communities, while being restricted for use to only in their locality. This concept is also used in some towns and cities all over the world, with varying degrees of success, but this strategy does not solve the issues on a national and international scale. On this website, you can now read about how to create new types of private currencies for larger scale use, with tactics that can be accepted by all freedom loving people and governments.


In our private currency tactics for national and international trade, there is no need for governments to fear the loss of control on agreements over resource backing of national fiat, because private currencies are a completely separate system (see the Currency Labeling Tactic). In fact, governments should love this system because new money can be printed and inserted into economies without debt, inflation, and other manipulation of a country's national fiat.


Private currencies succeed or fail on their own merit because they are participated in voluntarily. It is a completely harmless way to insert money into new and underserved economies, create and foster national and international businesses and communities, and perform financial experiments without interfering in existing systems.

There Are Only 2 Currency Types: Asset Currency & Intelligence Fiat Currency

The currency war is a big issue but how many people really know about it and have understanding about currency ?

The truth is that all the current national fiat money such as USD, Euro, GBP, Rub, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc. are all the so called “intelligence-based currency” type. Which means they were created by human intelligence.

Another type of currency in real life
are the physical assets of gold, silver, copper, etc. These currencies already exist and have appeared a long time ago.

No matter what you argue, or what
ever secret deal/rule you may have such as asset backed, high level programming software, etc., it just cannot change the fact that there are only 2 types of currency: “intelligence-based fiat currency” vs “real physical asset currency”, nothing else!

What is “intelligence currency”?
It is just “made by human mindset” currency, no more no less.

Can you know what “fiat currency” is better or smarter than another “fiat currency”?
Absolutely no
t, because it just comes down to the ideology. So no matter who is the creator of that “intelligence-based fiat currency”, you just cannot know who is “smarter” or “more stupid” than others through fiat currency alone.

What is the primary use of currency?
For trading, nothing else.
Without getting accepted for business transaction
s, all the “intelligence fiat currencies” are worthless, that is a fact!

Why must national government accept and allow the private Capitalism Currency?
- Because there is an on-going currency war happening and all the current existing “intelligence currency” cannot solve the issue, which means these currencies are “not smart enough”. By allowing the private sectors to create new “intelligence-based fiat currency”, you may find out the working solution for that big problem.
It is better to have a potential hope, a potential working solution rather than continue waiting and fighting
until total destruction.

- It is going to increase the creative level & intelligence of the public people because now they have to think more about currency, which one should they “choose”, which one they need to “invest”

- Only via real life competition can
you know what “intelligence fiat currency” is better than others for real products and services because the “better” one is the one that gets accepted by the sellers. It is a real democratic society with a real fair competition for all.

- It could
allow high level beings such as God(s), Angels, Deities to help the people in direct way. You may have a new currency made by God and you may have a new sacred information like the Bible, Quran book because God is fair and maybe does not like the any current existing national fiat money, but wants to offer sacred wisdom/information through his/her own currency. You will never know but that is a huge potential.

It is a risk free solution to try, this civilization has nothing more to lose with the current endless deadly wars across the globe already.

All talk, ideology are pointless and cannot lead to world peace.

That is the truth of life.

Benefits Of Using The New Private Capitalism Currency

The benefits of using the new private Capitalism Currency system are beyond the financial and economic fields. It is going to bring peace and less conflict around the world. Here is a list of benefits: 


  1. Help North Korea unite with South Korea in a peaceful way.

  2. End the current Myanmar civil war.

  3. Give small groups and local people more power over their lives.

  4. Preserve languages and cultures across the globe.

  5. Increase the education of people on finance and currency via real-life practices.

  6. Create more businesses and jobs.

  7. Bring the ideology of capitalism to the highest limit.

  8. Level the playing field between all nations and groups in terms of finance and economy.

  9. Make society more fun, interesting, and diverse.

  10. Open a new chapter for this civilization.


There are many other great benefits you will find out after the private Capitalism Currency gets accepted and becomes a new thing in your life.

Invest in the potential richest company in the world: Capitalism Currency

Dear investors around the world,

We are the Capitalism Currency team with our official website at

We are at the early stage and looking for investors to become more popular.


How do we make money?

We are selling "creating/using licenses" for our creative solutions and ideas (the new private Capitalism Currency, new moral trading platform, special currency labeling tactics) to all interested entities around the world. 

We have registered all of our IP (intellectual property), patent, trade mark, with all the military groups from all nations around the world. The list of our products/services can be found on our website


In our estimation, we will become the richest company within the next 5-10 years, with a total value of 5+ trillion USD.

It may sound "absurd", but that is very true.

All it takes is getting accepted and recognized by the people.


What makes out products and services so special?

First, it is about a new world economic & financial evolution just like an upgrade from "communist" to "capitalist".

Second, it will bring peace, end current war conflicts. Our aim is beyond money matters but about being fair, equal, and respecting others.


Who are our primary customers?

All the biggest organizations around the world, such as national governments, political groups, industries, ancient clans/dynasties, etc.

It will take time for you to read and understand our brand new product concept, because it has never been seen before or existed in the history of this civilization.


Seeking Investment Funds

We are offering a total of 10% (100 million shares) stake in the company for a total of 100 million US Dollars ($100,000,000 USD).

1 share will equal 1 USD.

Minimum share purchase: 100 shares.


This special offer will end when all shares are sold, or we choose to close it.


We will use these funds for various purposes such as opening physical offices in Singapore and the United States within the next 12 months (then there could be more branch offices in in the United Kingdom, Germany, UAE, and African nation), to create more new products, to promote, etc.


We estimate the value of this project will be at least 100 billion - 1 trillion USD within the next 1-2 years, and 5+ trillion USD within the next 5 years.

This means if you invest 1 USD now, you will have 100 - 1000 USD in the next 1-2 years and even more after 5 years.


There won't be any second chance.

This is the first and last opportunity for all to invest in this "crazy fantasy dream" project, because once we have enough funds to open our physical offices around the world, we won't need more money but only need to sit and collect profit rewards by selling franchise licenses.


Does it make sense that the richest company in the world is a company with products directly related to finance and money matters, but not any technology or machine, etc.!?

Be brave, be smart, you won't see this kind of opportunity again in your lifetime!


If you wish to invest in our project, feel free to contact us for more information.

Communication Info:

Official Website:

Forum Chat:

Email: investor @


Thank You Very Much,

The Capitalism Currency Team

The Capitalism Currency Whitepapers

The Following Articles Are Read-Only.

All entities must recieve permission from the original creator before using or publicly sharing any intellectual property from our articles.

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Introducing The Capitalism Currency Project
Welcome to the Capitalism Currency Project.   Here we will talk about the vision for a new era of financial systems, to realize a future where private currency becomes great, and used regularly by people and businesses in local, domestic, and international economies.   On this website we reveal new private currency business models and tactics that can allow private currency to successfully co-exist with all modern and historic monetary systems.   If you like the idea of capitalism and a free market of currency, please join and support us. We have created a short introductory video and full presentation video on YouTube and our TikTok channel that are free to share.    
The New Currency Labeling Tactic
The Currency Labeling Tactic For Privately Owned Currency.   Many individuals, companies, and national governments are beginning to adopt and use digital currency, such as decentralized cryptocurrency, and centralized digital currency. However, there is a conflict over their rules of use for transactions of natural resources and national fiat.   The solution to this conflict is to label currency correctly!   All currencies should be labeled to distinguish as being created by a "high" level entity, or as a "low" tier currency.   A "high" tier currency would be a national currency such as the USD, EUR, CNY. The remaining are labeled as currency made by "low" level entities, such as private companies. Other currencies approved by a national government could be labeled as mixed tier, s...
Example: Political Party Currency
The Political Party Issued Private Domestic Currency.   There are some cities and towns that use physical private currency notes within their localities, but we live in a modern world of specialized regions, with different industries, resources, and cultures. It becomes difficult to sustain the flow of a local private currency if the local economy is not self-producing all the goods they need, because a local private currency cannot be used outside of that region.   The solution here is for nationally registered political parties to create private domestic political party notes. Now like-minded people and businesses residing in all cities and states or lands of a country may choose to use that common currency to facilitate trade. Since these are created privately by national political ...
Example: Industry-Based Currency
The Industry-Based Private Currency.   One of the largest sources of modern conflict is the natural resource trade, determining the transport logistics and exchange rate for national currencies to natural resources. In the oil industry, for example, in the last decades we have seen organizations like OPEC that were created to work with multiple countries and agree to peg exchange rates and perform trade with the USD. This stabilizes prices, but resulted in the USD, a national currency, becoming forced to be used as an international currency, where nations wanting to buy oil from OPEC countries had to obtain US Dollars. We believe international currency should be neutral, not tied to any single or group of countries.   Using the private currency model, organizations like OPEC, or the U...
Example: Language-Based Currency
The Language-Based Private International Currency.   Language is the primary cultural connection between people around the world. There are thousands of different languages still being used today, but there are becoming less practical reasons to keep many unique and ancient languages alive in the globally connected modern world. A great way to preserve these cultures and give them a global presence is to create private international language-based currencies.   Now you can have real international cultural communities with their own currencies, such as a "Nihongo (Japanese) Coin", a "Svenska (Swedish) Note", or an "Omàmìwininìmowin (Algonquin) Dollar". Many languages with a smaller number of users will love to maintain connection with their speakers living around the world, or support ...
Example: A New Digital Curency Model
The International Private Three-Factor Digital Currency Model.   Most people know about the rise of digital currencies. These have appeared and been discussed in many forms, such as decentralized cryptocurrencies, private cryptocurrencies, and digitized national fiat. While we support the concept of private digital currency, the current model being used in cryptocurrency is just not great! The accessibility of "mining" is too difficult, it requires expansive tech knowledge, and a large up front investment. The average person is left with little option but to trade their fiat for digital currencies, and most have no motivation to participate in these platforms other than as an investment to hold while hoping for a pump in exchange rates.   How should a private digital currency operate? ...

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All entities must recieve permission from the original creator before using or publicly sharing any intellectual property from our articles.

Please message us on the Forum or see our Investor Contact page.

The New Moral Fair Currency Exchange Trading Platform
Introducing New Moral Fair Currency Exchange Trading Platform Read Only   All of the current currency exchanges now only focus on 1 thing which is money and wealth. That is not the way to operate in the long run, especially in the new modern day. There are a lot of people who are affected because of the currency war. We need a new, better, fairer currency exchange trading platform to help the hard working people receive what they deserve for their contribution to society. Here is the new system model: There will be 2 types of currency: national fiat money (made by high level entity) and the new Private Capitalism currency (made by low level entity). - Trading Mode 1: Normal mode This is like all the current currency trading, which is based on supply and demand rule that only focus on...